I was born here in Meridian Idaho. I have alwase been artistic and creative. I was transforming Transformers without instructions ever since I can remember. Before I was even going to school I was going to collage with my dad on the days he had me.
Now in the present I am a creative artistic lazy teen with anxiety and a digital design student at MTCHS. In my free time I paint minitures and I love digital design. I somewhat enjoy makeing websites its another pastime of mine but when im not in school I paint and play vrgames or I just play games on my Xbox. I love Warhammer40k and painting the minitures.
In the future I hope to be a digital designer or an artist but eather way, I want to do something I realy enjoy as my carrier. Thats all I can realy think about for my future.
"If you truly do hail from the realm that men once called hell, when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sanguinius who threw you back" -Sanguinius(© Games Workshop)